David Alcock teach Geography at Bradford Grammar School, in northern England. He have organised a World Orienteering Day event for the school students every year since 2016 (apart from the pandemic-affected year of 2020).
The timing fits in nicely with our internal examination week for Year 7 and 8 students (aged 11-13), as running an event on the Wednesday of this week gives the students a mid-week outdoor break.
He co-ordinate all 120 Year 7 students to run in teams of 3-4, each with an SI card, on a 30-minute score course on the neighbouring park, Lister Park, at around 9.30am. Then I do it all over again at around 11am for all 120 Year 8 students.

David organise the events, partly to give Year 7 and 8 students a bit of fresh air and fun in the middle of their exam week, partly to provide a practice session to my existing school club members, and partly to help in the recruitment of new members! Today the older members of the school club also helps him to set the course up and to plan the events.