Glad WOD is now WOW

Don Winslow is a teacher who works with special education students and have been teaching for 32 years. He is also a member of the Rochester Orienteering Club and OUSA. He started orienteering in 2006 using the permanent orienteering courses that his club, Rochester Orienteering Club has made. He is the caretaker for one of those courses at Webster Park in Webster, NY. 

“I am fortunate to have been awarded a grant from OUSA and the Youth Mapping program to have a very nice map made for my school campus and I will use the permanent course that I have up all year long for WOW”, says Don. He have also encouraged any teacher to take their students outside and try the course.  He has also encourage the physical education teachers to take their classes outside and do the course.  He will also work with the after school club and take them outside to go orienteering.

I am glad WOD is now WOW.  Only having 1 day to do this doesn’t work well if the weather is bad.  I don’t like teaching orienteering to new folks in poor weather conditions.  I will always come back to promote this sport and help give it more recognition in the U.S.  I’d love to see it become more popular.  It would be so great to see it televised somehow.   I wish more schools would get involved but the biggest hurdle is developing a map and most teachers wouldn’t know how to do that.

The main reason for Don to organise events is to promote orienteering and get more and more people aware of what it is. 

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