Valérie Berger-Capbern, Youth Commission of FFCO, Fédération Française de Course d’Orientation tells us about France thoughts of WOD.
“Target for us for WOD 2018, was to do more than in 2017, so we targeted 4000. We achieved more than expected thanks to a very big organization by several schools. We made a lot of communication through our regular channels: monthly club letters, “CO’mag” the federal quarterly magazine, the news on our web site.”
Valérie continue: “The federation is sponsoring the event by providing goodies. This year, we have given 200 Euro to 6 organizers (3 chosen for the quality of their organization by decision of the “youth” commission, and 3 by draw) in the form of Purchase voucher in an orienteering equipment Salesman (20% discount).”

“We rely on our licensees, and the contact they have with schools, either because they are teachers or because they are children at school and want to organize a WOD event. In some cases, when we have conventions between club and school, it can support also the promotion of WOD event.”
“Unfortunately, we have no other specific financial support, nor any partner. We rely on our licensees, and the contact they have with schools, either because they are teachers or because they are children at school and want to organize a WOD event. In some cases, when we have conventions between club and school, it can support also the promotion of WOD event.”, says Valérie.
5000 participants in 2019 and 6000 participants in 2020.
The objectives for France for next years is quite high:
“We think that the WOD is a great tool, because it is a way to get to know orienteering. It is a good pedagogic tool for teachers, so they enjoy the activity. The bad effect is that orienteering games of WOD are somewhat disconnected from orienteering as a “real” sport, with national teams and official competitions. Perhaps, we can add this dimension to the WOD with the sponsorship of young national teams?”

Valérie says: “The fact that there is a whole week to perform the event is good for us.”
Then, I am writing to you regarding our WOD promotion strategy. Please find attached some of our WOD communication for 2018. It is our internal bulletin which is used to communicate with our clubs.
You can also find in our magazine an article dedicated to different WOD events of 2018: (pages 7 to 11).