Question concerning WOD in Brazil to the president of Brazil O-Federation, Luiz Sergio Mendes.
What kind of target did you have with WOD 2018 in Brazil?
“Our main target was to increase the number of participants in comparison to 2017.”
What did you do to reach the target? What kind of strategy did you implement?
“Based on the experience gained in the previous years, I made contact with the presidents of our state federations and clubs. In each state I also contacted some people who are recognized as leaders, even though they are not members of club/federation board. Some of them have really done a great job. I used Facebook, phone calls and emails to keep in touch with the key persons. I reinforced the importance of Brazil in South America and our commitment with the development of orienteering in our schools. My bottom line was to send the message we must start thinking about attracting young orienteers instead of adults. In Brazil there is an idea that adults bring more results than kids…”
Did you reach your target or it became better than expected?
“In fact, it became better than I expected. But it was due to the work of some good local leaders, since Brazil is a very large country. “
What kind of promotion did you do?
“I used Facebook, emails and a pamphlet produced by IOF. I translated it into Portuguese and distributed among our clubs for free distribution in schools.”
Did you have any partners to carry out WOD?
“Only our federations and clubs.”
Did you have any financial support?
“No. All resources used came from CBO and the clubs/federations.”
Is WOD a great tool to develop orienteering in Brazil? If so please tell me how!
“Yes it is. Through WOD it was easier to get the commitment of our club leaders. They understood that it is not so difficult to get the support of the schools in their area. So, with very simple actions suggested by IOF they could get students participating in orienteering activities they promote. As a result of the work we began with WOD, CBO could get the support to send 20 students to the World School Orienteering Champs in Estonia, next May.”
What is your plan for 2019?
“In 2019 we plan to repeat the success of 2018. I think we can even increase the number of participants due to the motivation from the participation in the World School Champs. “