-What are your main concern for being a partner to World Orienteering Day?
“SPORTident basically first sees chances and opportunities but not concerns in all our activities to support the development of orienteering.”
-Why did you want to be a partner to World Orienteering Day?
“SPORTident’s sponsoring activities are concentrated at activities round about youngsters and students. WOD adresses this target group. We also think that WOD is a strong name and meets the global ambitions of SPORTident. To be present as a sponsor demonstrates that we take responsibility to support next generation of orienteers.”
-In what way will you contribute to World Orienteering Day 2019?
“SPORTident adapted new products to enable direct implementation into WOD 2019 activities. This covers mostly the new printout set and the newly introduced SPORTident O-starter. To stimulate participation at WOD there has been launched a two-phase lottery.”
-What do you think that World Orienteering Day can do for orienteering globally?
“SPORTident’s mission is to support the development of orienteering to the most global and most exciting outdoor adventure sport. WOD targets enthusiasts acting in the clubs, as teachers or parents. In the WOD campaign orienteering has to be presented with the potential as the most valuable sport for youngsters. Orienteering is not the most and only funny sport but the only kind of activity to train physics and brain together in a complex challenge by doing this outside of the classroom in the nature.”