One club and one school! Or why not 13 schools! Eva Bäcklund from Sweden is running a mapping project with 13 schools in her hometown Trollhättan. The youngsters in the club are the mapper and the first part of the project is now finalized, 13 school maps. Second step will be to cover the areas around the schools and the last step is to draw a new map around the club hut in the forest but close to the city. Hopefully there will be a WOD event at all schools in Trollhättan.

With 50 days to GO, World Orienteering Day, May 15th, 2019, the WODY-tour is now started. During the annually meeting at Västergötlands Orienteering Federation, Eva Bäcklund got WODY from Göran Andersson to start the journey in Sweden. Please follow WODY’s travel on social media from now and to May 15th. We hope all WODY world-wide will be part of promotion of WOD.
Many WOD events are already registered and to achieve the targets of 500 000 participants all orienteering clubs world-wide should be connected to a least one school. In cooperation with a school the club is helping to develop orienteering as a cool and awesome activity.
Be part of something bigger-colour the world!