Choose the right direction

As you could read in the last newsletter, I recently had an examination in a course at the Sport Management Programme at the University of Karlstad, where I gave my fellow students the opportunity to test orienteering on an evacuation plan. They also got the opportunity to test another kind of orienteering, where you need to keep track of where you are and to choose the right direction, but without a real map!


I made a template with sixteen controls, which were marked with the unit-number. Using this, I made twelve different courses. I had borrowed punching cards and units from my orienteering club, OK Tyr, which we used during the event.



The main purpose with the activity was to make my fellow students keep track of which control they were at and to which control they were headed. A lot of laughing was heard in the sports centre.


Some voices from my fellow students after the event:

“Extremely good activity to practice directions.”

“Really fun, but a little bit of stress.”

You competed with the others, even if I did not have the same map.”