Norway with the Orienteering Clubs in Østfold will host the World Orienteering Championships in August 2019. In addition to arrange the best WOC ever, the clubs want to use the opportunity that a World Championships provide, to work with the visibility of the sport and to recruit more youngsters to the sport of orienteering. The project “FinnFram in Østfold” has now been running during an year and we are of course curios how it is going. Below you can read the project leader Svend Sondre Frøshaug answers to some questions:
How many maps have been drawn so far?
“So far we have made 83 school maps in Østfold. Most have been drawn for the FinnFram project in Østfold, but some schools also had maps before that time.”
What response have you received from the schools? Students / teachers?
“As a project manager I have visited several schools and held courses in “map and compass” for teachers. We see that the teachers in Østfold are very committed and not least interested in learning tips and new methods for carrying out good training in “map and compass” at school. In these teacher training courses, we conclude with 1-hour practical session outdoors where the teachers tried the new school map and they got challenged in some fun orienteering activities. This creates good atmosphere and many good discussions and ideas for further education. I have received feedback that several teachers have used the new maps and the recommended exercises in their teaching and that this has worked very well.”
What will you do from now on to WOC2019?

“We will draw even more maps and conduct several courses for teachers. Many schools have already received training activities, but I have not yet been able to visit all the schools in Østfold. In 2019, we are also planning a brand-new event, namely the “VM i skolesprinten”. The schools in Østfold will be invited to local school competitions around the county. The competition will be performed as a relay where the schools compete against each other in a simple orienteering trail in the street / park. We hope that this will create a lot of activity and joy in the World Orienteering Championships here in Østfold and Norway, the second week of August 2019. The best teams will have the opportunity to participate in a big county final, June 5th in Sarpsborg. The competition is arranged for 5th and 6th grade at elementary school. “
Svend Sondre Frøshaug continue with: “The relay VM i skolesprinten” is running in 5 stages, 2 and 2 run together on each stage, i.e. 10 participants per team (minimum 4 of each gender). 6 check points on each leg, 500 – 800 meters per leg. It is also important to point out that WOD is a large part of school activity. Many of the local competitions will be organized in combination or in addition to the WOD. We hope to set new records for participation in the WOD this WOC-year in Østfold.”
How many of the schools in Østfold participate in World Orienteering Day (WOD)?
“I simply don’t know this. We aim to get a new record in 2019 in Østfold, but we do not yet know exactly how many schools will attend this day. Now that we have made many new school maps, we hope that the schools that who not have the possibility to get to any of the bigger events organized by the local orientation teams can arrange activities at their own school under the WOD.”