Back in 2016 Vasilis Hortomaris organized a seminar for teachers named “How to implement orienteering in a school yard”. After that orienteering activities in Lake Kerkini, in Serres, Greece started.
Hence, Vasilis draw a map of the village Kato Poroia, he gave the lecture and he implemented an orienteering activity outdoors for the teachers. The positive feedback from the participants was the engine for further development.
2017 a new map in Ano Poroia was the establishment of the village as a very attractive and interesting orienteering destination.

Vasilis Hortomaris organised a WOD event in 2019 and was then back after the pandemic in 2022 and have been a part of WOD since then.
In early of 2019 after conversations and meetings with a professor in local university (Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, Sport sciences, department of Serres) and a professional in outdoor activities from Lake Kerkini area, it was agreed to add orienteering as a topic in the course of outdoor activities.
Every end of May students of AUTH, sport sciences visit the area of Lake Kerkini for 3 days to experience and learn about outdoor activities. Adding orienteering in the course was a nice opportunity to practice life skills and to promote the sport in the next generation PE teachers.
Moreover, WOD was another motivation to inspire all the people that were engaged with this small but nice event. Nowadays, local people from Ano Poroia know that when they see the white and orange flags, an orienteering event take place around the village. The best reward all these years is the smile of the participants after their effort to complete their courses.
WOW in 2024 will be one more chance to experience the joy and the adventure that orienteering activity offers especially for young people.
Greece is looking forward to this worldwide and colorful event!

Every event counts!