World Orienteering Day 2021 (May) is done

Between the 19th and the 25th of May the first opportunity for organizing a World Orienteering Day event took place.

It is now time to summarize the events that took place during the period in May.

Around the world 33 regions and/or countries organised 488 events. The total number of participants was 80 688. And the figures are still increasing.

Russia has been the outstanding country with both number of events and number of participants during World Orienteering Day in May.

They organized 281 of the events, which is about 58 % of the events. In Russia there were 62 677 participants, which is almost 78% of the total number. It’s also already a big increase from World Orienteering Day in 2019.

Almost 60% of all the World Orienteering Day events that were organised during May were small events with less than 100 participants per event.

This is most likely an effect of the pandemic and participation restrictions, and we have been told that due to the ongoing pandemic around the world there are lot of countries and regions that have not been able to take part during May.

The World Orienteering Day team hopes to “see” them and all of you in September!

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